I started in rope with the impression that I needed to master all, and I do mean all, the knots before moving the abstract to the practical. “How else could one be perfectly safe?” Laughable. Well, I found myself with a lot of spare time on my hands during the start of the pandemic, so this is when I found time to take it a bit more seriously and learn to tie with others and find community. I started as a top and quickly became interested in self-tying as a means of practice. Self-tying is where I can dive into my headspace and block out the rest of the world, solve puzzles, and see what my body can and cannot do. In partnered tying, I’m probably best described as a switch. I’ve found self-tying and bottoming have improved my ability to tie and communicate in rope scenes. My teaching and learning are driven through two key principles: 1) learning is a never-ending process and 2) “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!” -The Friz. Hopefully, we can share a bit of what each of us knows during classes and progress forward on our paths together even if for a bit.
- Rope Basics 101: An Introduction to Rope Bondage with RING
- Rope 201: Beyond the Basics with Blue
- One Rope Ties with Jane
- Rope Care and Maintenance with Jane
- Cuffing Season with Ropes with Jane
- Self-tying From the Ground-up
- Self-suspension: Harnesses From the Top Down with BatgirlBruja